5 Team Building Activities For Your Office Christmas Party

office christmas party

It’s that time of the year again where everyone in the office is cramming to get work done before they change into the holiday festive mode. While most of us are anticipating for our 13th month pay or Christmas bonus, others are also looking forward to the office Christmas party.

An office Christmas party is a celebration of the wonderful people you work with. Everyone in the office has worked hard all year, so they deserve to feel appreciated. Preparing this festivity can be a lot of work—the food, the venue, especially thinking of the different activities you’re supposed to do (other than the raffle draw). So to help, here are 5 fun team building activities you can try out on your Christmas party.


1. Oh, Christmas Tree. Oh, Christmas Tree

Have teams dress up one of their members as a Christmas tree in under 2 minutes. You can go as simple as using crepe paper or as extreme as putting lights and ornaments. The best looking Christmas tree wins the game!

2. Christmas Movie Trivia

The Grinch, Nightmare Before Christmas, Christmas in Connecticut and a lot more actually. Test your office’s knowledge of how fast they are with guessing the movie and ind out which colleague is the ultimate movie buff.


3. Oh, Carol

Okay, this one is similar to movie trivia except teams compete against each other and guess the title of the Christmas carol that one team is singing. Remember not to choose the famous songs because that might be too easy.

4. Paper Plate Game

This one is fun to do at the after dinner. All you need is a pen and a paper plate, and the follow the game master’s instructions to draw a scene on the plate…the plate being on top of your head. Sounds pretty easy but really fun after. Here’s the instructions.


5. Christmas Minute to Win It

You’ve probably seen this game, maybe have even sat at the edge of your seat watching the players complete the task. One goal in one minute. Now you can do it in your office, but this time with a Christmas twist. Here are some ideas of what kind of games could be perfect.



By Poyen Ramos, 5 Fun Bonding Activities for Your Office Christmas Party, on kalibrr.com