One Recruiting Secret to Never Overlook

Recruiting Secret

Why do candidates choose to become a part of certain organizations and not others?

While there are many factors that can play into this decision, a major determinant is that candidates want to join organizations that they perceive to be “winning teams” and “winning companies.” People avoid losing or static teams. It’s just human nature.


If your group seems to be repeatedly striking out whenever a good candidate comes along, here are 2 tips to help your organization be perceived as a “winning team”:

1. Sell your winning attributes. Talk about what you’re good at and what you’re getting better at….people want to be apart of this! Talk about your goals, vision and passion. If you do this, you will land better candidates over your competitors.

2. Actually become a winning team. If your group clearly isn’t winning, find a few aspects in which you are winning and create bigger goals for those aspects. Create a vision and plan that people can get excited about.



From the Desk of David Wolfe, Founder and CEO of NP Now