Quiz - Good Recruiter
Take our quiz to assess where you stand as a recruiter.  Circle your multiple-choice answer.
1.      Look at your job descriptions, what percentage of the content is about your group’s requirements and duties of the job?
            1. 80%
            2. 50%
            3. 20% with 80% being about benefits, features and what’s in it for them.
2.      Can you easily talk about where your group is going, its vision, its core purpose and explain to candidates how they make a big impact in that vision?
            1-     I don’t know any of this
            2-     I’m okay at this/I know most/some of this info
            3-     I can rattle this off anytime and it’s compelling.
3.      Can you explain in 2-4 minutes the top selling points about your group…why you (and your colleagues) joined, why you and your colleagues stay, etc.
            1-     I don’t know any of this
            2-     I am okay at this/I know most/some of this info
            3-     I can rattle this off anytime and it’s compelling.
4.      Do you stay guarded in the recruitment process with candidates or are you real and vulnerable with candidates during the recruitment process and build a relationship?
            1-     Very guarded
            2-     Pretty Open
            3-     Very open, candid, and vulnerable
5.      When you start a search and target candidates to recruit and fill an opening, what number of candidates do you target?
            1-     Under 300
            2-     300-900
            3-     1k or more
6.      Do you believe everything a candidate says or are you discerning and wear your ‘detective hat’ well?
            1-     you believe everything they say
            2-     you’re in the middle
            3-     you are a good detective and can read between the lines and circle back with similar questions that rephrase your initial question
7.      You listen and know on a candidate’s pain and subtly sell to that pain point throughout the recruiting/hiring process.
            1-     I don’t ever
            2-     Sometimes
            3-     Always
8.      Do you never cold call a candidate or are you a fearless cold caller and aren’t intimidated to call a candidate ever?
            1-     I would never cold call a candidate who isn’t expecting my call.
            2-     I sometimes work up the courage to make a cold call.
            3-     I have no fear. I make cold calls often.
9.      You track metrics stringently. You know how many candidates you contact in a week; you know how many candidates you submit to hiring managers in a week and you know your ratios, e.g. number of submissions to hire ratio.
            1-     I don’t track any of this.
            2-     Sometimes I do track some of these.
            3-     I know my personal metrics in and out.
Add up the total number of 3s, 2s and 1s to get your score.
How you scored:
Score 23-27  Excellent recruiter – keep up these habits.
Score 15-22  Good recruiter with room for growth! Let me know the areas where you need help.
Under 15 Great news!  You have room for growth – email me areas you need to grow in, and I’ll help!