Embracing Tech-Savvy Millennials in the Workplace

Tech-Savvy Millennials

By David Wolfe

We need to understand this generation is technology-centered. They grew up in a fast-paced culture. They’re tech-savvy. They’re creative. They think outside the box, and they know how to find answers and resources quickly. They’e been exposed to more technology than previous generations were. They live in this constant flow of idea-sharing on the Internet and through social media. They grew up in the world of constant feedback, so they have a lot of information they can access in an instant.

I think they have information overload, but that also gives them a framework to use to your company’s advantage. Because they have all this information and have been exposed to all these things, they are uniquely able to think about a problem in a new way to give your business fresh ideas. If they have a voice in the company to share their ideas and suggest how things can be done better, employers might find they do have great ideas and opinions about how things could be done.