Firing Can Be Very Stressful
Firing can be very stressful, here are 5 tips to fire correctly and make it less stressful.
  • Is it them or is it you? There are always 2 sides to it….are you leading them well? Equipping them fully? If you aren’t, take some steps to train, equip, and contribute to their success.
  • Set clear expectations together.  Sit down with them and let them know EXACTLY what is expected of them and that you are going to check on this progress weekly.
  • Give them time to correct.
  • Rally alongside them to help them – train and coach them along the way. Help them fix it.
  • If they don’t fix it, then it’s the end of the road.  It shouldn’t be a surprise that they are being let go. They shouldn’t be blindsided by the firing.
Do all these steps and make the firing easier and less emotional.