The 10 Consequences of Slow Hiring

Consequences of Slow Hiring

It isn’t fair to expect good candidates to remain unemployed or in jobs they don’t enjoy while you take a significant amount of time to make a hiring decision. In order to prevent quality candidates from getting snatched up by other companies, try to speed up the hiring process.


The 10 Consequences of Slow Hiring

  1. You will lose most of the candidates who are in high demand during the late stages of your recruitment process.
  2. You will lose significant revenue and productivity because vacant positions are open for too many days.
  3. You’ll have to pay new hires more in salary because they will be bid on by other groups.
  4. Your image of being slow decision-makers will cause you to lose many top prospects.
  5. Slow hiring will reduce applications because it will damage your external employer brand image and the candidate experience.
  6. Slow decisions will cause you to lose a high percentage of “head-to-head” talent battles for top candidates.
  7. Slow hiring dramatically reduces hiring manager and recruiter excitement.
  8. Your customers and employees will also feel the negative impacts of slow hiring.
  9. An extended hiring processes can significantly raise “hidden” hiring costs.
  10. Using standard speed-of-hire metrics can severely mask slow hiring problems.