How To Discern Whether or Not Your Top Candidate is People-Savvy

Top Candidate is People-Savvy

By David Wolfe

If you aren’t 100% sold that your top candidate is people-savvy, here are ways to get more insight.

The best indicator of this is when you took them out socially or got them outside of the normal interview mode. How did they treat the waitress? Realtor? Administrative assistant? Do they treat everyone the same, or do they show preferential treatment depending on whom they deem important?


You can also ask:

  • “Describe to me your personality.” How aware of themselves are they? Does it match with what you or your team see and what their DISC profile reveals? If it’s off, or if they are stumped by this question, that is not a good sign.
  • “Can you describe to me a time where you displayed compassion toward a teammate?” Do they even describe compassion well? Do they value it?
  • If you want to build a world-class team that’s really going to do some awesome things, you don’t want to let anybody in your doors that does not have all three of these characteristics. When you are convinced this candidate does, make an offer.