Old school’ recruiting is based on what’s in it for the employer, what the employer needs in skills and requirements and what the employer needs for them to do…It’s also mostly interrogative interviewing. That doesn’t work for The Future Workforce made up of mostly millennials.  They need to be courted while you are interviewing them – its almost 50/50.


New School Recruiting 101:

  • Build a relationship – be real and candid.  Show them you care for them despite whether they join your organization or not. Stay in touch with them consistently throughout the recruiting process – so they know you want them.  Use text messaging.


  • Sell to them based on their specific motivators and pain points – really listen and prove to them that your group is the solution for them.


  • Tell your companies story and how you see them fitting in and making an impact. Paint the picture of what you see them accomplishing in your organization


  • Always be recruiting.  Constantly be building relationships in order to create a pool of candidates ready to go, so that when you have an opening, you can pop them in.  Old school recruiting is only recruiting when there is an opening.