The #1 Most Important Interview Tip for Physicians:


“Be interested, not interesting!”

If you do everything else wrong in the interview process, at least do this right!

Keep the focus on them versus trying to be interesting or impressive to them.

BE INTERESTED in them!   Research the interviewing group, read recent news releases about the group and prepare questions to ask the interviewer about themselves and their company.  Be sure to ask specific questions about the duties and expectations of the position.  Write down 3-7 questions that will help you decide if this is the right opportunity for you.

Here is good example of an opening question to ask:

“Thank you very much for meeting with me today. I am somewhat familiar with your health system and your great reputation. I’ve had a chance to look at your website and have read about your latest achievements (be specific) in the Wall Street Journal. Can you tell me a little more about how that’s progressing….


“What are the current goals that the group is focused on, and how does this team work to support hitting those goals?”


“What are the most important things you’d like to see someone accomplish in the first 1 year on the job?”


“How would you describe the work environment here—is the work typically collaborative or more independent?”


“What types of skills is the team missing that you’re looking to fill with a new hire?”